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Ovillage agrandit sa communauté de leaders (partie 1)

en 1st graduating class fr 1ère promotion
Avatar: Florent Youzan
Florent Youzan

Ovillage is a free third-location center in Abidjan. A 6-week training program called the Ovillage Training Program has been running for a few days now, with the aim of bringing about social transformation in certain individuals.

It all starts with a selection test to gather relevant projects, one of the first conditions of access to the training course. Over 60 applications were received. In the end, some twenty projects were selected. The bidders have been invited to take part in the internship, which begins on Monday, April 23, 2018.


The first session was all about getting to know each other. This included introductions, motivations and much more. Ovillage is the brainchild of Cyriac Gbogou ( and Florent Youzan( These two wizards of digital communication are dedicated to sharing their experiences in order to raise the profile of those thirsty for knowledge. By way of introduction, Florent Youzan tells the trainees that “if someone has nothing to stimulate them, they're going through life”. In other words, everyone needs to have a passion, to know what they like and want to do with their lives. He adds that one of Ovillage's ambitions is to see young people trained, create jobs and succeed.

Ovillage Training Program is the very first training program with high stakes. The aim is to turn each learner into a community leader who can have an impact on those around them, as well as an entrepreneur.

The rich variety of activities includes training courses, conferences, experience sharing and outings based on the community aspect, personal development, entrepreneurship, communication, etc. The speakers embody the values of Côte d'Ivoire, Africa and the world. Adama Gorou, Gilles Attayi, Patricia Zoundi, Israël Yoroba, Dr Amanita Kane etc.

Six weeks of intense work will fill the trainees' days, three days a week.

Attentive learners

It's a very friendly team made up of students, lawyers, journalists, economists, communicators...

Ovillage is a community with village chief Vincent Duplantie from Quebec, janitor Cyriac Gbogou, gardener Florent Youzan and nanny Marie-André Kouao.

To be continued

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