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3 posts

Abidjan: un premier marathon de l’innovation dans les médias
Succès pour le premier hackathon (marathon d'innovation dans les médias) du programme #AfriqueInnovation lancé par CFI et Code for Africa.Du 17 au 19 avril 2015, sept équipes de journalistes et de développeurs web se sont défiées pour imaginer de nouvelles manières de collecter, traiter et diffuser l'information à l'ère d'internet et des téléphones mobiles.Se donner les moyens d'informer toutes les populationsY compris les moins alphabétisées, y compris dans les zones les plus reculées de la Côt…
OVillage: Minister Bruno Koné reassures of the government's commitment to turning young Ivorians into wealth creators
Bruno Nabagné Koné, Côte d'Ivoire's Minister of Communication, Digital Economy and Postal Services, has been making a series of visits to players in the country's digital ecosystem for several weeks now. The chief magistrate of the Ivorian digital universe has seized this opportunity to talk to these digital promoters and to get a feel for their realities, with a view to boosting the sector. After yesterday's unannounced visit to retailers at the Samsung shopping mall in Treichville, which was m…
Cyriac Gbogou, co-founder of OVillage: «We want to promote innovation through open source technologies».
Cyriac Gbogou is no stranger to the Cote d'Ivoire ICT scene. The blogger and co-founder of OVillage is a fervent advocate of open source technology. In an interview with CIO MAG, he describes OVillage as an open space where “anyone can come, regardless of age, race or culture, let alone any technical skills”.«Together we build ideas into projects».At OVillage, all difficulties are transformed into opportunities. «It's together that we build ideas into projects», stresses the man who now likes to…


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